
Reminders, labels and words

There are reminders everywhere if you’re looking for them. But if you’re not, and you genuinely want to just get on with it (whatever it may be) without the emotion of remembering, then that’s possible too. To a point.

Some reminders speak louder than others and won’t be quietened. For me recently, it’s filling out forms. You need to fill out a ridiculous number of forms when you have a 7 and a 10 year old. Not to mention forms I’ve had to fill out about myself for medical stuff and the like…

I HATE the next of kin and emergency contact fields.

I particularly don’t like the ‘Parent 2’ field that I sometimes see. I don’t want to write ‘NA’. I want a better label to stick up their box.

Problem is, the only one that comes to mind is ‘widower’. It’s an explanation. A reason. Sort of says ‘leave me alone’. Perhaps I should write it in parenthesis beside ‘NA’?

Now generally speaking in not really a hater. But here’s hate number 2…

I HATE the word ‘widower’.

A gardener gardens, a swimmer swims, a writer writes. But a widower widows?

Widow is just as bad. The masculine form feels like an afterthought. ‘Crap what are we going to use to distinguish men?’ ‘Just add an er, she’ll be right.’ If you start with a rubbish word and add ‘er’ you’ve still got a rubbish word.

It’s not just an issue with filling out forms either. Perhaps it was less obvious pre the  inter web, but now this group that needs a better label to use in social media than widow/widower.

But what label to use? They don’t give you many options. Married is wrong (as I wrote this I was prompted to look at my Facebook profile – sure enough it said married… it now says widowed… urrrrhhh). Single is technically correct too, but feels like it implies cutting a cord I’m not sure I’m ready to cut. No, there needs to be a better word. Something like a:  “my-wife-is-dead-I-miss-her-and-am-lonely-but-am-ok-and-theres-no-need-to-worry-about-me-because-I-know-life-can-still-be-good” kind of word… Suggestions?

7 Responses

  1. Siri

    Hmmm…Livarent?…(as in Living Parent) – doesn’t quite say it all but it’s unisex and somewhat more optimistic than Widow/er…although not all widow/ers are parents…more thought required…

  2. It’s interesting to consider the information the term “widower ” provides about the person. Is it; I do not have a wife anymore, or is it more than just that?

    The simplest description I come up with is
    “one parent father (Dad) in a one-man family”.

    Very difficult to define a lose in non-negative term. That is, trying to define who a man, (after losing his wife), is rather than who is not.

    For me, you have highlighted pointedly the limitations and frustrations of labels.

  3. I like it Siri!
    As soon as I started writing the words above I was trying to come up with a clever and appropriate neologism. Best I came up with was ‘newlifer’. It’s a bit too all encompassing and all to readily able to be confused with a born again christian or perhaps a new inmate with a life sentence (are those two things the same?)
    Definitely more thought required.
    Anyone else?

  4. Helen

    I think you should still be able to say you are married – it is just that Mary has died suddenly. You are still in love with Mary and she is still the mother of Harry and Cara. Perhaps Roley Sussex could have some suggestions.

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